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Yeshua Heals Many Sick and Oppressed at Evening

Matthew 8:16 When evening came, many people held in the power of demons were brought to him. He expelled the spirits with a word and healed all who were ill. 17 This was done to fulfill what had been spoken through the prophet Yesha‘yahu,

“He himself took our weaknesses and bore our diseases”


Mark 1:32 That evening after sundown, they brought to Yeshua all who were ill or held in the power of demons, 33 and the whole town came crowding around the door. 34 He healed many who were ill with various diseases and expelled many demons, but he did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew who he was.


Luke 4:40 After sunset, all those who had people sick with various diseases brought them to Yeshua, and he put his hands on each one of them and healed them; 41 also demons came out of many, crying, “You are the Son of God!” But, rebuking them, he did not permit them to say that they knew he was the Messiah.

“Wait, you healed my mother-in-law?! I know A LOT more people that need help!”

It did not take long at all for word to spread. All those that were sick and possessed came immediately. Well, their friends and families brought them, at least.

The sick and possessed -- that covers the physical and spiritual. Restoring the body, restoring the spirit.

It seems we are missing an important wounding category here. What about those with emotional wounds? 

They are at home. Or the bar. 

Why wouldn’t they come? Don’t they know their lives are less than stellar? Do they feel they are ok? Have they just adopted a way of life that allows them to survive just fine? Namely, how to manipulate. Maybe their family has slowly been driven away so there is no one to to pack them up and bring them over. Or the fear of upsetting them keeps the family from poking the bear.

But they are silently absent from this mass healing episode. Sad.

Everyone else came immediately, though,

Time is of the Essence

I’m curious, why wouldn't they wait? Seems like a dumb question but really, why come instantly? They have been sick for a while so what’s one more day. Seriously people, come during regular business hours and stop bothering people at dinner time!

But they were eager and came the moment they heard. Why?

Because people don’t like living in sickness. Most people have learned to cope with their ailments but given the choice they want it gone -- now. The pain in the body just plain hurts. It makes perfect sense why they would drop everything and flood the presence of the One Man that can set them free from a life of misery.

All it took was one touch. His hands received the weakness and disease from the bodies of the tired and weary. His own Body had to be in perfect alignment with the Spirit in order to neutralize the weakness and disease. Which it was.

A Touch that Changed Lives

Imagine how different these households would have been that night. The wonder and amazement. The joy, the shalom. 

But people weren’t just healed -- families were likely restored, as well. Fathers that couldn’t play with their kids can now do so with a deep appreciation for that opportunity. Children are no longer confined to a bed with parents as caretakers but instead just have parents as parents. Those demonic manifestations that kept everyone on edge are replaced with…well…nothing. There is peace and calm.

Freedom has come.

Even if no one spoke about this event, others would learn of it the moment they see the lame walking. But notice that these people weren’t commanded to remain silent. It was the demons.

The Demons Know

People could share what happened to them but Yeshua refused to let the spirits testify to His identity.  Why is that? 

Maybe He was not yet ready for the world to know He was the Messiah. Or maybe He needed to lay down more evidence that showed His well-roundedness. Or maybe He didn’t want the darkness to have a voice at all.  His Father spoke His identity audibly when He was baptized and there is no way the demons are going to get credit for it now.

In the end, Yeshua didn’t need the demons to speak on His behalf. He decided to let the healing do that instead.