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Yeshua Drives Out an Evil Spirit From a Man in Capernaum

Mark 1:21 They entered K’far-Nachum, and on Shabbat Yeshua went into the synagogue and began teaching. 22 They were amazed at the way he taught, for he did not instruct them like the Torah-teachers but as one who had authority himself.

23 In their synagogue just then was a man with an unclean spirit in him, who shouted, 24 “What do you want with us, Yeshua from Natzeret? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are — the Holy One of God!” 25 But Yeshua rebuked the unclean spirit, “Be quiet and come out of him!” 26 Throwing the man into a convulsion, it gave a loud shriek and came out of him. 27 They were all so astounded that they began asking each other, “What is this? A new teaching, one with authority behind it! He gives orders even to the unclean spirits, and they obey him!”


Luke 4:31 He went down to K’far-Nachum, a town in the Galil, and made a practice of teaching them on Shabbat. 32 They were amazed at the way he taught, because his word carried the ring of authority.

33 In the synagogue there was a man who had an unclean demonic spirit, who shouted in a loud voice, 34 “Yaah! What do you want with us, Yeshua from Natzeret? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are — the Holy One of God!” 35 But Yeshua rebuked it: “Be quiet, and come out of him!” The demonic spirit threw the man down in the middle of the crowd and came out of him, having done him no harm. 36 They were all astounded and said to one another, “What kind of teaching is this? Why, he gives orders with power and authority to the unclean spirits, and they come out!”

An Unclean Spirit

Interesting -- a man with an unclean spirit was in church!

Was he a regular? Or was he just passing by and stuck his head in to see what was happening?

No matter the reason, he stood up in front of everyone and told the truth. Not because he was bold but because he was possessed.

I wonder if the people in this guy’s life knew this guy had an unclean spirit or just assumed he had problems. Whether they knew he was possessed or not, they recognized it when the spirit came out of the man. What that means is that they could tell when he was healed.

So much mystery and intrigue is built around demonic possession that we tend to think of it as a blatantly demonic manifestation with fire, smoke and an evil soundtrack. But what if it’s much more subtle than that. What if we had evidence today of physical ailments that seem to trap people and put them on the path to an early death.


We see here that a spirit has the ability to control the physical. How is that? What is that spirit controlling? Do spirits occupy muscle fibers and cause them to somehow contract? Modern science does not know the exact cause of muscle cramps/spasms, but there are some factors that increase the risk. As for the root cause, however, they do not know.

Or, if they don’t set up shop in the members of the body, does that mean it is in the mind? The brain controls the movements within the body and we see here that the spirit speaks, which is in the mind also.

While it could be that it’s the members of the body that get possessed, I’d lean a little closer to the mind. Thoughts, beliefs, interpretation of reality…if I were a demonic spirit, I’d go after these.

What better way to get people closer to physical death than through them believing they are dead already.


There are many ailments from which people suffer. Let’s look at the leading causes of death and see if we can detect root causes:

  1. Heart disease
    1. Causes: genetics, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, alcohol
  2. Cancer
    1. Causes: genetics, alcohol, diet, smoking, chemicals
  3. Accidents
    1. Causes: varies
  4. Respiratory diseases
    1. Causes: genetics, infections, smoking, chemicals
  5. Strokes
    1. Causes: genetics, blood clots
  6. Alzheimers
    1. Causes: genetics, blood vessel damage
  7. Diabetes
    1. Causes: genetics, obesity, aging, diet
  8. Kidney disease
    1. Causes: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease
  9. Flu/pneumonia
    1. Causes: virus, bacteria, fungi
  10. Suicide
    1. Causes: genetics, mental disorders, drug misuse, psychological state, no hope
  11. Liver disease/cirrhosis
    1. Causes: genetics, alcohol, virus, high blood pressure, obesity
  12. Septicemia (blood poisoning from bacteria)
    1. Causes: infections within the body
  13. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
    1. Causes: genetics, stress, smoking, alcohol, obesity
  14. Parkinson disease
    1. Causes: largely unknown; suspected: genetics
  15. Mold, bacteria, fungi, chemicals in the lungs
    1. Causes: inhaling these above

The most common theme in the causes of death: genetics. Generational iniquities, perhaps. You’ve inherited a disposition from your family line that has you set up for potential disaster. You can’t control it, but you can work diligently to repent of those things and set in motion a new reality. We’re somewhat of a victim here but these ailments have a legal right based on what our parents, grandparents and great grandparents have done (or not done). Stopping the flow of these things is part of our duty as repentant believers. Not to condemn, but to exercise grace and mercy for those that simply didn’t understand. Intercession for those that came before us and forgiveness for them based on what we’ve inherited.

Repentance and forgiveness can help us with genetics but now we have to turn to ourselves.

Your sin and subsequent iniquity is currently setting up shop within your children -- and their children -- and their children. Think about that for a moment. Actually, think about it for a long while. Your sin is creating in them a platform for these “possessions” to thrive. Again repentance is required but instead of offering forgiveness we must now seek it. Teaching our children the errors of our ways and begging them to not walk in the inheritance you’ve provided. Difficult conversations but ones that carry life. Silence, on the other hand, carries with it death.

How do you handle generational/genetic curses? Repent, forgive, repent, seek forgiveness.

The other causes are largely related to one another: choices. Poor food choices, smoking and alcohol. And when these quit being effective, we turn to more mind altering options (pain meds, illegal drugs, porn, etc). These are generally used in an addictive manner but it isn’t really those things causing trouble. It’s the addiction.

Addictions allow us to cope with a life we don’t want. The pain is too much to face so we mask it with things that take our mind far away from it -- or at least let us ignore it. Prolonged exposure to a life of death results in, well, death. Covering up the pain ensures it’s never painful enough to seek healing. The small acorn then has plenty of time to grow into a mighty oak.

How do you handle addictions? Confess, seek healing, confess, receive healing.

Simple, right?


Throwing the man into a convulsion, it gave a loud shriek and came out of him.

The demonic spirit threw the man down in the middle of the crowd and came out of him, having done him no harm.

Deliverance hurts.

There is no way to be healed in a pain-free manner. This is why we don’t do it. Pain avoidance is a full time occupation for most people so when the cost of freedom is known, most people flee.

“It’s too embarrassing.”

“I’ve got way too much work to do to deal with those kinds of problems.”

“What will I do with my new-self?” 

“I’m afraid of what a free life may entail.”

Notice Yeshua didn’t give this man a choice. That spirit made an appearance and He dealt with it. Right then and there. In church. In front of everyone. He had authority and the spirit obeyed. And the witnesses were mesmerized.

The questions I leave for you now are:

Are you the possessed man?

Are you the witnesses that stand idly by judging those that are possessed?

Are you one that possesses the Holy Spirit?

John 14:8 Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it will be enough for us.” 9 Yeshua replied to him, “Have I been with you so long without your knowing me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am united with the Father, and the Father united with me? What I am telling you, I am not saying on my own initiative; the Father living in me is doing his own works. 11 Trust me, that I am united with the Father, and the Father united with me. But if you can’t, then trust because of the works themselves. 12 Yes, indeed! I tell you that whoever trusts in me will also do the works I do! Indeed, he will do greater ones, because I am going to the Father. 13 In fact, whatever you ask for in my name, I will do; so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me for something in my name, I will do it.
