Matthew 8:23 He boarded the boat, and his talmidim followed. 24 Then, without warning, a furious storm arose on the lake, so that waves were sweeping over the boat. But Yeshua was sleeping. 25 So they came and roused him, saying, “Sir! Help! We’re about to die!” 26 He said to them, “Why are you afraid? So little trust you have!” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and there was a dead calm. 27 The men were astounded. They asked, “What kind of man is this, that even the winds and sea obey him?”
Mark 4:35 That day, when evening had come, Yeshua said to them, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” 36 So, leaving the crowd behind, they took him just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him. 37 A furious windstorm arose, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was close to being swamped. 38 But he was in the stern on a cushion, asleep. They woke him and said to him, “Rabbi, doesn’t it matter to you that we’re about to be killed?” 39 He awoke, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind subsided, and there was a dead calm. 40 He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no trust even now?” 41 But they were terrified and asked each other, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the waves obey him?”
Luke 8:22 One day Yeshua got into a boat with his talmidim and said to them, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” 23 So they set out; and as they were sailing, he fell asleep. A windstorm came down on the lake, so that the boat began to fill up with water, putting them in great danger. 24 They went and woke him, saying, “Rabbi! Rabbi! We’re about to die!” He woke up, rebuked the wind and the rough water; and they calmed down, so that it was still. 25 Then he said to the talmidim, “Where is your trust?” Awestruck, they marveled, asking one another, “Who can this be, that he commands even the wind and the water, and they obey him?”
Yeshua rebuked the winds and the sea. Just like He rebuked the fever.
A natural occurrence that serves a very real purpose is told to release its hold. Just like the fever.
So we have deliverance of demonic and unclean spirits, trust and compassion both are involved with healing, and there’s a rebuking of natural processes to get them to enter into their default state. Seems we’re slowly developing some clarity around the context of these various things but we’ll withhold declarative statements for now. We don’t want checkboxes, remember?
I don’t know about you, but if I was in that boat I’d have a bit of a pucker-factor also. Waves crashing all around, and to top it off the boat is filling up with water. My understanding of being able to float in the boat rests firmly on its ability to keep the water on the outside. If I saw the boat taking on water, I don’t think it’s a trust issue in assuming we’ll sink. That’s simple physics.
But maybe that’s the issue. I’m trusting physics.
Looking at the big picture, I should know better despite what my eyes see. There is a Man on this same boat that the demons call the Son of God and that heals people everywhere we go. If that’s who He really is, should they be worried?
It’s like watching a Rabbi and Nun get on the plane you’re on. For some reason you start to think, “Well, they are living right so Abba wouldn't let this thing go down with them on it.” You’re safe by proxy.
The issue wasn’t necessarily with the physics but their awareness of Who was with them.
But that Guy was nestled all snug in the boat.
One thing I can relate to Yeshua with on this one is the ability to sleep through just about anything. For whatever reason, nothing wakes me up.
If He’s just a sound sleeper, maybe they were worried He wouldn't wake up in time to save them all.
So maybe it’s His sleep history that has them worried. But not likely.
Back to the natural elements that have been fired up.
Is there anything wrong with strong winds? Is a storm on the sea a bad thing? No, not really.
Winds help move weather around the globe. They help spread seed. The churning of the sea helps with currents that carry one thing to someplace new. A school of fish gets rerouted to a shoreline where a community of people can benefit from that food source. There is value to both of these things just like there is value in a fever.
But when people are in danger of death due to a natural system, it seems there is an authority that can suppress the severity in order to preserve life. This suppression is what is called a rebuke.
Ever heard someone say they rebuked someone over something?
What does it mean to rebuke a person? If this is used in the proper context, it means someone has elevated their state and is pushing their will mightly into other people’s lives. The pushing becomes so great, death may be nearby if it is left unchecked. Likely the death of a relationship.
So this person needs to be put back in their default, created state. But only one with authority can speak into this place.
Is that you? (The strong willed person, I mean.)
How many people’s lives do you aggressively blow into? Not sure what I mean? How much of your selfishness is forced over the people around you? You probably don’t even think you do it, right?
Do you really think 100 mph winds are normal? Tossing and flipping other people’s lives like it’s a tiny wooden structure in the massive sea called your selfishness -- that’s ok?
Before you answer claiming innocence, maybe we should ask your spouse. Or your parents. Or your friends.
If you’re on the receiving end of a storm that is out of control, go and wake up Yeshua. He’ll get it calmed down. But not without a stern warning about your trust.