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What is your personality type?

Looking at the connection between Jacob’s blessing in Genesis 49 and Moses’ blessings in Deuteronomy 33, we can see almost a cause and effect model taking place. It seems it depends on what has taken place between these two blessings as to the outcome pronounced by Moses in the last few hours of his life.

Let’s see if we can find our own personalities within this list so we won’t be confused when things come upon us in life.

Are you like Reuben?

Maybe you are as unstable as water and defiled your father’s bed. 

This is someone that is perceived to be in a position of authority but is very unstable and has no trouble walking in defilement. They have everything they need to lead effectively but they seem to have a weak character and it creates trouble at every turn. And other people are wounded as a result.

If this is you, your lineage will grow very small but it won’t die out.

Are you like Simeon?

Maybe your anger has pushed you into a place where no one seeks your council or wants to be around you. 

This is someone with serious anger issues. No one wants your opinion or to be around you. I don’t think this is at all what people would want for themselves but they can’t get over their anger to make corrections. They tend to approach situations based on how they feel about it. Simeon was angry at what happened to his sister in Shechem. And maybe he was right to be angry. But he had no right to take that anger and use God’s covenant as a weapon. Anger will destroy you and everything you touch. Other people have no desire to be anywhere near you and this is good as it cuts off the disease.

If this is you, there is nothing to say.

Are you like Levi?

Exactly like Simeon but he ultimately repented and stood up for righteousness. 

This is someone with serious anger issues but they have repented. When faced with a serious issue in life, they will take an unpopular stance and stand up for righteousness. In addition, they may even have to eliminate a lot of very close relationships in order to be redeemed from the path they are on. This isn’t easy but it is worth it. So many other people will ultimately be blessed by your willingness to stand up for what is right.

If this is you, you may be tasked with teaching God’s law, putting incense and burnt offerings before Abba. Abba will then bless your substance and accept the work of your hands and smite your enemies.

Are you like Judah?

Praised by your brothers, having your hand on the neck of your enemies and your brothers bowing before you. 

This is someone that is respected by their brethren. They are bold enough to subdue their enemy and as a result, their brothers submit to their leadership. Judah offered himself up in exchange for his brother Benjamin. He sought to honor his father and was willing to subject himself to slavery in order to see it through. Are you willing to lay your life down for others?

If this is you, Abba will hear your cry and bring you into His people. Your own hands will defend you and Abba will help you against your enemies.

Are you like Zebulun?

Living at the shore of the sea with ships anchoring at your shore. 

This is someone that allows others to dock with them in order to bring supplies, goods, treasures from all over. Their borders remain open because they see that all of their brethren will have a better life as a result. They are likely logistical masters but the end goal is in serving other people. They see their gift as serving at a very high level.

If this is you, you will rejoice as you go forth. With Issachar, you will call people to the mountain to offer righteous sacrifices. The abundance of the seas and hidden treasures of the sand will be drawn out by you.

Are you like Issachar?

A strong servant that sees how good a settled life can be. 

This is a strong servant that is humble and content. They are willing to work hard and their reward is living a peaceful life. People love a humble and content servant. It inspires them to become more humble and content themselves.

If this is you, you will rejoice in your tents. With Zebulun, you will call people to the mountain to offer righteous sacrifices. The abundance of the seas and hidden treasures of the sand will be drawn out by you.

Are you like Dan?

A judge of people that comes as a viper on the heels of horses causing the rider to fall off -- awaiting deliverance. 

This is someone in a place of judgment, destroying the thing that is holding others up. They see the thing that is holding this person up in a higher state than those around them and they seek to bring them to level ground. It isn’t always a nice thing, hence the strike from the viper. The judge seeks deliverance. While people do not like this, it is necessary.

If this is you, you will become a lion cub leaping forth from Bashan (Syria).

Are you like Gad?

Bands of soldiers have come upon you and you banded against them. 

This is someone that comes together with their own to band against the enemies that are seeking to take them out. A brotherhood of warriors willing to die in order for their brothers to live. Self-sacrifice at the highest level.

If this is you, you will be enlarged. You will await like a lion tearing apart your prey, getting the best for yourself. When leaders come, you will carry out YHVH’s justice and ruling concerning Israel.

Are you like Asher?

Enjoying rich food, food fit for a king. 

This is someone that understands the nicer things in life are not to make your life easier. Your resources are for others, not just you. These resources are such that you can operate as a king. Kings lead and take care of those around them. Those in the highest positions should be the ones with the highest level of service.

If this is you, you will be most blessed and a favorite among your brothers. You will bathe your feet in oil and your bars will be of iron and bronze. As your days, so will your strength be.

Are you like Naphtali?

A free spirit with beautiful words. 

This is someone that can fleetingly navigate through life bringing life to others through their words. This is genuine and not used to get others to like you (that is a fear of man). These are words that come from deep within the heart to build others up and bring life. Torah being the Word should be written upon their heart so that is all that comes through. Encouragement and edification built on anything else is a lie and not considered beautiful.

If this is you, you will be satisfied with favor, full of God’s blessing and possessing the sea and the south.

Are you like Joseph?

A fruitful vine by a fountain with branches running over the wall. Archers have dealt bitterly with you, shot at you, and hated you. Your bow has remained firm and the arms of your hands were made nimble by God, who would help and bless you with blessings of heaven above, the deep beneath, the breast and the womb. Your father’s blessings, mighty beyond the blessings of your ancestors, have been on your head, and on the crown of the head of the prince among his brothers. 

This is someone that has slowly grown over the obstacles in front of them. People have attacked them but God has made them nimble through it all. The blessings that were on their fathers have come upon them exceeding that of their ancestors. But all of your blessings are for other people to enjoy.

If this is you, you will be blessed of God was his land; for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep beneath, and for the precious things of the fruits of the sun, and for the precious things of the yield of the moons, for the tops of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the everlasting hills, and for the precious things of the earth and the fullness thereof, and the good will of God; the blessing would come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of the head of him that is prince among his brothers; his firstling bullock, majesty was his; and his horns were the horns of the wild-ox; with them he would gore all the peoples to the ends of the earth.

Are you like Benjamin?

A ravenous wolf that devours the prey in the morning and divides the spoil in the evening. 

This is someone that is a go-getter. But one that takes what they get and scatters it among his people. There are many people out there that will go after what they want with relentless intensity but in the evening, they keep the spoil for themselves. It isn’t enough to be eager and willing. The end goal is for other people to share in your spoils.

If this is you, you will be Abba’s beloved, protected day after day, held as a small baby in the arms of God.


You will someday be held accountable for who you are and how you treat others. Look carefully at where you were and what you did. Now look forward to where you want to be and how someone in that position would behave.

Then go to work trying to map that path.

Be warned, however. If you look to the future and only consider yourself and your happiness, you will pervert and manipulate people and situations in order to feed your own objectives. No matter how justified it seems in doing so, you will bring death into the world and the Messiah may say to your face,

“I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!”

Instead, look at everyone except for you and consider what is required to get them to the place they belong. Use your resources and do everything you can to help them walk in the fullness of who they have been created to be. Then maybe your ear will be filled with those words we long to hear,

“Excellent! You are a good and trustworthy servant. You have been faithful with a small amount, so I will put you in charge of a large amount. Come and join in your master’s happiness!”