We tend to think we have some vague notion of what it means to be redeemed but do we really understand what that means?
There is no better way to understand this than to go straight to the source.
(have someone read this to you if you can)
Close your eyes.
Imagine you are in pure darkness. The darkness slowly transitions to light but it is still a thick fog.
As the fog begins to clear you find yourself on a hill, standing at the base of the execution stake.
As the cloud is lifted before you, you look up and see the Lamb of God hanging there. Covered in blood and convulsing in writhing pain just to take a breath. As His body trembles, you can feel that life itself is exiting and death is coming in full.
The Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world is now fulfilling that sacrifice before your very eyes.
Look at Him.
Keep looking at Him.
Look again.
Can you see it?
As you stare up at Him, you see that despite the pain of His own circumstances, He is looking deep into your eyes.
The compassion and the love He has for you cannot be measured in this moment. An overwhelming sense of meekness overtakes you.
In that instant, you see what your sin has truly done. That should be you on that stake. It should be you covered in blood. It should be you struggling to breathe. But it isn’t. It’s your Bridegroom there in your place.
And yet, as He looks upon you, He smiles. The tears of joy He pours out are for His beloved -- you.
In spite of your life choices up until now, He sees and knows who you were created to be. And He’s made a way for you to enter into that fullness.
His eyes are resting upon you and He’s inviting you in.
Right then and there:
Matthew 27:50/John 19:30 Yeshua, again crying out in a loud voice, “It is accomplished!”, yielded up his spirit.
You are now redeemed. At that moment, you were purchased. It is no longer your life you are living. That has been taken away. The old man is now dead.
As He took His last breath, you have finally taken your first. He breathes on your dry bones. He comes in and waters the scorched places. For the first time in your life, you are alive. His Spirit fills you to the brim. But only those areas we’ve surrendered to Him.
As you stand in that place with the ultimate sacrifice hanging before you, consider what you claim as your life. Consider your striving. Consider your judgments. Consider your fear. Consider your pain. Consider the unforgiveness you refuse to release.
In the hour of redemption, there is no room for any of this. You no longer have permission to hold onto these things. Doing so reverses what you just witnessed.
Stop striving.
Stop judging.
Lay down fear.
Confront your pain.
Give it all to Him. Look at what He’s done for you.
All He wants from you in return is absolutely everything. He gave up His life for you, so now it’s time to give up your life for Him.
Pey - The Mouth
Psalm 119:129 Your instruction is a wonder;
this is why I follow it.
130 Your words are a doorway that lets in light,
giving understanding to the thoughtless.
131 My mouth is wide open, as I pant
with longing for your mitzvot.
132 Turn to me, and show me your favor;
in keeping with [your] judgment for those who love your name.
133 Guide my footsteps by your word;
don’t let any kind of sin rule me.
134 Redeem me from human oppression,
and I will observe your precepts.
135 Make your face shine on your servant,
and teach me your laws.
136 Rivers of tears flow down from my eyes,
because they don’t observe your Torah.