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Unfruitful Fig Tree

Luke 13:1 Just then, some people came to tell Yeshua about the men from the Galil whom Pilate had slaughtered even while they were slaughtering animals for sacrifice. 2 His answer to them was, “Do you think that just because they died so horribly, these folks from the Galil were worse sinners than all the others from the Galil? 3 No, I tell you. Rather, unless you turn to God from your sins, you will all die as they did!

4 “Or what about those eighteen people who died when the tower at Shiloach fell on them? Do you think they were worse offenders than all the other people living in Yerushalayim? 5 No, I tell you. Rather, unless you turn from your sins, you will all die similarly.”

6 Then Yeshua gave this illustration: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit but didn’t find any. 7 So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘Here, I’ve come looking for fruit on this fig tree for three years now without finding any. Cut it down — why let it go on using up the soil?’ 8 But he answered, ‘Sir, leave it alone one more year. I’ll dig around it and put manure on it. 9 If it bears fruit next year, well and good; if not, you will have it cut down then.’”

This language of a vineyard, 3 - 4 years, and fruit trees immediately brings to mind the command we see in Leviticus regarding the fruit of a tree you’ve planted.


Leviticus 19:23 “‘When you enter the land and plant various kinds of fruit trees, you are to regard its fruit as forbidden — for three years it will be forbidden to you and not eaten. 24 In the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, for praising YHVH. 25 But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit, so that it will produce even more for you; I am YHVH your God.

The inference here is that there is fruit coming forth before the 4th year. If there were no fruit, then there’s no need for a command not to eat it.

So, years 1-3 should have fruit being produced but apparently it is not fit for consumption. Maybe that fruit needs to fall on the ground and rot so more compost can soak deep down into the soil. 

But in year 4, the fruit is holy and belongs to Abba, and then in year 5 you may start to partake of it yourself.

So we have our rules for trees, but what about your fruit?


It looks as though you have 3 years to produce fruit before the discussion turns to destroying the tree. 3 years. 

Does that mean it is a sin to not produce fruit?

Well, based on the actual events mentioned in vv 1-5, it sure does seem so. There we see that dying as these people did will be our fate if we don’t turn from our sins. “Sure,” you say, “that’s Christianity 101.” Indeed it is. But…

Then Yeshua gave this illustration…

A tree planted in His vineyard not yielding fruit by year 3 has a horrible fate set before it if it does not produce within the next year. Because Abba is expecting the fruit in year 4.

What happens when He is left empty handed? This is such an embarrassing thought. Or at least it should be. 

The Ground

So before the embarrassment is allowed to come upon the tree, it is cut at the roots. 

Notice what is said here: Cut it down — why let it go on using up the soil?

The tree is not floating in the air. No, it’s anchored to the soil. This is the delivery system Abba created to push nutrients up into the tree SO THAT it can produce its fruit.

Do you think that the soil beneath you, Abba’s delivery system of provision in your life, is there just so you can stand tall and look pretty?


He put you in the soil that is designed to produce the fruit He wants and we all need.

We must force those roots down deep and push the fruit out away from us and not hold it within our own branches. Let it go. Don’t worry, more will come.


How long have you been a believer? Or put another way, how long have you been planted in His vineyard?

Have you produced fruit during this time?

“Well, I haven’t been chopped down yet so I must be doing something right.”

If you believe in mercy, this is an incredibly dangerous statement to make. Just because you have yet to be destroyed doesn't mean you are ok. Perhaps He’s just giving you more time to produce. Maybe you are getting covered in manure each and every year in hopes you turn and start to produce.

Is this starting to sound more like your life now?

The ground around you gets dug up and manure gets dumped -- every year.

Are you tired of it yet?

Why not just do what you’ve been sent here to do?

If you’re supposed to produce figs, produce figs. Stop trying to make apples. Quit forcing out oranges. And most certainly, do not keep those blossoms inside your branches.

Ask Abba what kind of fruit you are to produce and please, please, please just produce that. And produce it in full.

If you choose not to, be warned: The ax is coming and oh how great will be the fall.

But at least it will make room for another tree and the soil will be able to feed that one without wasting its resources on a useless vessel.