Matthew 13:44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. A man found it, hid it again, then in great joy went and sold everything he owned, and bought that field.”
Can you see it?
The treasure is hidden so not everyone can.
But this man was out in the field -- hunting. Did he know it was there? Had he heard a rumor of its existence? Or did he just find it fun to search through fields looking for something.
That’s it, he was a professional treasure hunter! Or not. It doesn’t matter what path this man took to get to the field, the fact is, he was there.
But he wasn’t just standing around waiting for the Treasures of Heaven to fall into his lap. No, he was diligent. He was hunting. And hunting. And hunting.
Then…he found it!
Once he realized what was in the field, the decision to sell everything he owned made perfect sense. I mean, why wouldn't it? He knew what was there. He knew it.
His entire old life -- gone. And he didn’t care. The new life that was set before him was far beyond anything he could have imagined in his old life.
No matter how much money he had before, it pales in comparison to what he’d have going forward -- forever. He found true wealth.
No matter how comfortable he was before, there is no match for the comfort in knowing he found a treasure that will stand the test of time. He found true comfort.
No matter how much power and status he had before, his standing before the King has been elevated to a wise and faithful servant. He found true status and power.
He gave it all up and now he has everything.
Think about that middle period between selling everything and buying the field. It takes a little time to sell all you have. You’ve got to pull it all out, secure a spot at the market, then haul all of the trash you’ve collected over the years in phases (because you have a lot of impressive things, right?). It could take weeks or months to unload everything. Then you have to sell your house, as well.
Here we have someone that is digging out and organizing everything they own. They labor to get their stuff to the market, then spend countless hours haggling over the price. They can’t just give it all away because there is a cost attached to the field, remember. And he wants to have whatever money is necessary to buy the field. There is purpose behind what he’s doing. It’s calculated. It’s methodical.
Once he’s sold all of the smaller stuff, he then patiently waits for someone to buy his house. His empty house. No bed, no couch, no nothing. Sleeping on the cold and uncomfortable floor with no pillow or blanket. Dreaming about that treasure and never once second guessing his decision. He’s fully committed at this point so he stubbornly waits…and waits…and waits.
To the outside world, this man is a fool. He has nothing. But that isn’t true, is it? In fact, it doesn’t even matter what the world thinks. He’s done with all of that.
He knows he will be the wealthiest man in town once he can finally make the purchase of that field.
So he happily waits.
If you subscribe to a fully benevolent God that just gives and gives and gives, this parable will kind of break that philosophy.
The treasure is in the field. Put another way, the treasure is in the Kingdom. So shouldn’t it be free?
No way! Everything has a cost. And I do mean everything.
So the cost for this field? Your life. He wants it ALL. Not some of it but all of it.
The Kingdom doesn’t operate like our world. See, in our world someone with more can have more. But in the Kingdom the cost is the same: your life. Your full life. And since our heart is camped deep within our treasure, the only way to it is through what we value: the stuff of this world.
If you have $100 to your name, the cost is $100. Have a one million dollar estate? Then it costs you one million dollars.
The cost of the field varies but then again it doesn’t. It only varies using the world system. You know, the one you love. The one you can’t seem to escape. The one that owns you, owns your life. Yeah, that one.
Now you know why the cost is the same for us all.
The world owns us. Each and every one of us. So sell everything that has you attached to it -- then you’ll be free.
So how about it…are you free?
Have you found the treasure yet? Have you even been looking?
Are you willing to sell everything? And I do mean everything.
Think about that. Selling all of the stuff you have (that is set to rot and decay, by the way) in exchange for a treasure that lasts for all of eternity.
If you really believed there was this kind of treasure in the field, how stupid would you be NOT to sell everything. Seriously.
But we have a hard time believing, don’t we.
Why is our faith and vision so limited? Does this world really offer so much fulfillment we have no need to even hunt?
I think we are under the impression that it does. The elevation of ourselves in the eyes of men, be it through power or money. We truly think that’s why we’re here. To make a name for ourselves so those people in our lives become impressed. Or to make a name for ourselves so we become impressed. No matter, we are playing a game we can’t win. And Abba knows it.
Stop seeking your treasure in this world. It isn’t here. But it is full of things that keep you from ever looking in the right place.
Take a moment and look out into His Kingdom. Really, really look. Your treasure is out there. Begin the hunt. Dig it all up. Then someday you may stumble across that treasure for which you've been hunting.
And when you do, let the fire sale begin. Until then, we’ll all watch you hold tightly to all you own.