The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
“Prepare the way of the Lord;
Make straight in the desert
A highway for our God.
Every valley shall be exalted
And every mountain and hill brought low;
The crooked places shall be made straight
And the rough places smooth;
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed,
And all flesh shall see it together;”
This statement is incredible as it stands: And all flesh shall see it together. All flesh will at one time see His glory. This is powerful.
Would you believe it’s even more profound than that, though?
A short word study will open this up beyond your wildest imagination (see: AHLB). I want to point out that we will review the words in the order they are recorded in Hebrew instead of the shuffling that takes place in English.
See is ra’ah (H7200)
Every is kol (H3605)
Flesh is basar (H1320)
Together is echad (H3162)
Literally, this reads something like this:
See how to make complete one flesh.
This may not make much sense as it stands but this explains to us the ultimate destination on our journey. Seeing and making complete does make sense to us so we’ll just focus on the one flesh.
This term may be familiar to you if you’ve ever had a Biblical marriage class. Way back in Genesis we see that the husband and wife are referred to as One Flesh:
Genesis 2:21 Then God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the person; and while he was sleeping, he took one of his ribs and closed up the place from which he took it with flesh. 22 The rib which YHVH, God, had taken from the person, he made a woman-person; and he brought her to the man-person. 23 The man-person said, “At last! This is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh. She is to be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” 24 This is why a man is to leave his father and mother and stick with his wife, and they are to be one flesh (basar echad).
The idea here is that the man and woman join together to become one entity in the eyes of God. They become organically entwined and truly operate as one single unit. This aligns perfectly with our definitions above. The level of intimacy between the husband and wife is the deepest either of them will ever experience this side of Eternity.
Where this starts to get interesting is when we consider Yeshua quoting Isaiah as He stood up that day to read from the scroll:
Luke 4:16 Now when he went to Natzeret, where he had been brought up, on Shabbat he went to the synagogue as usual. He stood up to read, 17 and he was given the scroll of the prophet Yesha‘yahu. Unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written,
18 “The Spirit of YHVH is upon me;
therefore he has anointed me
to announce Good News to the poor;
he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the imprisoned
and renewed sight for the blind,
to release those who have been crushed,
19 to proclaim a year of the favor of YHVH.”
This word for Good News in the Greek is euaggelizo (G2097) and is always translated as basar (H1320) in the Septuagint (LXX). The same basar we have here in this verse. This is also where we get the “English” word evangelize.
Euaggelizo is a verb that means to bring the good news and it’s often translated as preach. Sliding into the noun form we have the Greek word euaggelion (G2098) with the LLX back mapping to besorah. In English, it’s gospel.
Revelation 14:6 Next I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven with everlasting Good News (euaggelion) to proclaim (euaggelizo) to those living on the earth — to every nation, tribe, language and people.
Proclaiming the everlasting Good News -- To every nation, tribe, language and people. Good news, indeed!
So what exactly is this “good news”?
I think we all have some generic idea and if you ask most people, you’d get many different flavors of essentially the same message: “Jesus died for your sins then defeated the grave. At which point He went to the right hand of the Father. And He’s coming back.”
This is all true but it turns out the Good News (Gospel) is much more “gooder” than just that.
Why did Yeshua have to die? To atone for our sins, yes. But there is something else. We’ll need to take a few steps to get there so please bear with me.
Here we have a situation where Israel/Ephraim (i.e., the Northern Kingdom) was divorced from YHVH. She then went off and played the harlot with the world and after captivity in Assyria, was scattered among the nations (goyim/gentiles). But then we see that Abba promises to make a new covenant with Israel and Judah. This is what Ezekiel is telling us in chapter 37 and Paul follows up with in Romans 11 with regard to the Olive Tree and those being grafted in. (Note: “stick” in Ezekiel 37 is literally “tree”.)
Finally, Yeshua Himself said the reason He was here was for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.
This begs the question: How can Israel return to the covenant (marriage) as long as the first husband is still alive? That would bring defilement into the land and be detestable to YHVH.
Are you seeing it now?
The first husband, Yeshua, had to die in order for Israel to have a way back into the covenant. Paul explains this clearly in Romans:
Romans 7:1 Surely you know, brothers — for I am speaking to those who understand Torah — that the Torah has authority over a person only so long as he lives? 2 For example, a married woman is bound by Torah to her husband while he is alive; but if the husband dies, she is released from the part of the Torah that deals with husbands. 3 Therefore, while the husband is alive, she will be called an adulteress if she marries another man; but if the husband dies, she is free from that part of the Torah; so that if she marries another man, she is not an adulteress.
We have restoration. Restoration of Israel (the Church/Bride). With the first Husband dying, she is now free from the law concerning an adulteress. Not free from the Torah altogether, but from the command that keeps Her out of the covenant.
We now have a beautiful love story. The Bride (Israel) is now betrothed to the Bridegroom (Yeshua) and when they come together they will be One Flesh -- basar echad.
This is the Good News: The Bride will become one with her beloved Husband.
See how to make complete one flesh.
Yes! Look deeply into this connection and what it means for all who agree to become echad with their Bridegroom. A different life is now to be lived -- one where you are now in the Father’s courts and you are to behave as if that’s where you belong.
This humble, healed, and complete Bride is giving Herself over fully to Her Husband and they shall become One Flesh.
Abba has established authority within you out in the wilderness and it’s there you are crying out.
Calling others to turn from their ways and follow THE Way. And that way is the Messiah. It’s the Torah.
Understand this all begins in darkness and no one will see clearly. But you are called to make a taught path full of a necessary tension. And this path is to rise high above everything else. Do it for our God.
Bring shalom to those that try to cover their pain with pride. This comes with a definite introduction to healing. Lift them up and help carry their burdens. But those that have lifted themselves above others must be brought low in order to be made complete. Introduce healing and teach humility.
Bring shalom to those that have esteemed themselves above all others. Teach them about the Messiah and His righteousness. Teach them the Ways of God. Show them how we are called to walk as Yeshua walked as He is our model for walking in the Ways of God. Then give them a mirror and ask where the Messiah is in that person looking back. Can they see Him? Do others see Him through them? If not, why? Have they ever seen themselves through the eyes of God? Do they understand their true state before Him? Or is it the fear of man that has them in bondage? It’s time for them to confront the truth.
Tether one end of their cord to His truth then pull aggressively on them to straighten the crooked places. As uncomfortable as it is, let it hurt. Don’t make excuses and avoid trying to medicate. The resulting pain will produce something you never will -- dependency on Abba.
Once this happens, we then address the internal brokenness that has them close but still functionally separate from God. The part of them that is still connected to the world must be put to rest. An impartation of identity, specifically as the Bride, must take place in order for them to abandon their old ways in full. Tie up the broken halves so they can be complete, with no fractures.
They are now humble, healed, and complete. We are in a state to not only be welcomed back into the covenant, but the weight and reputation of YHVH has been revealed to them. The blood of the Lamb now gives them a way into the presence of the Father. It’s obvious they can’t go in broken and they can’t go in prideful. But humble, healed, and complete? Now they are ready to see God.
And what do they see? Their Husband. The Bridegroom Himself, Yeshua the Messiah. An understanding of their status in the heavenlies shakes them to their core. How is it that this Man could love them so much as to die so they could enter into the marriage union with Him. That reality sits at the forefront of their lives every second of every day. Until such a time as they truly become One. True identity is now imparted and all will see the Good News.
So yes, your sins must be washed away but this isn’t just for your own salvation. If you are to be eligible to join the family of God and be in perfect union with the Messiah, you must be clean -- your sins have to be put away. And you must be ALLOWED back into the covenant. But we can’t break God’s commands in order to do it.
The point of salvation is this: Your sins are now gone so Yeshua can have a pure and spotless Bride.
Now go and live like it.
Full Series:
Day 1 - A Voice Cries Out in the Wilderness
Day 3 - Make Straight in the Desert a Highway
Day 6 - Make the Crooked Places Straight
Day 7 - Make the Rough Ground Smooth
Day 8 - The Glory of YHVH Revealed
Day 9 - All Flesh Will See It Together
Day 10 - The Mouth of YHVH has Spoken