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Can you do what you set your mind to?

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through him who gives me power.

What comes to mind when you hear these words?

For most of us, we tend to look at how we can use that to our advantage. Our minds go to seeing our own lives and how we can overcome this world to make our lives a bit more stable, a little more comfortable.

“If I really put my mind to something, I can do it. Which means I am in control of my own destiny. In fact, I have an obligation to see it come to pass.”

Do you, though?

What is your mind set on? Right now, what is your motivation for doing anything you do?

Think about this. Why do you do what you do?

Why do you go to work every day?

Why do you plan for your future self?

Why do you sacrifice for something that will someday disappear?

Why do you spend hours on your phone or playing video games?

Are you looking to make your life simpler?

Are you wanting more money so you can relax a bit?

Are you wanting to be put in charge of that busted system so you can fix it?

Are you wanting to grow a name for yourself?

Are you seeking identity?

Do you believe next month is going to be better? Next year? 10 years?

Do you think more money will fix your problems?

Will a relaxed life bring you that peace you so desperately seek?

Do you really think you are here to make a name for yourself?

Despite knowing the correct answer, we live our lives using these things as our guide for daily decisions.

And when you get tired from all of the striving? Or when you get burned out trying to make a name for yourself? What then?

Then we pray. We pray for strength. We pray for rejuvenation. We pray for rest.

I can do all things through him who gives me power.

But before we all run off to print this on a t-shirt, perhaps we should get some context.


Philippians 4:10 In union with the Lord I greatly rejoice that now, after this long time, you have let your concern for me express itself again. Of course, you were concerned for me all along, but you had no opportunity to express it. 11 Not that I am saying this to call attention to any need of mine; since, as far as I am concerned, I have learned to be content regardless of circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in want, and I know what it is to have more than enough — in everything and in every way I have learned the secret of being full and being hungry, of having abundance and being in need. 13 I can do all things through him who gives me power.

We see this is not about accomplishments, power, or money. It’s about being content. And contentment runs directly in the face of these worldly quests.

You were never supposed to do all of the things you want through His power. In fact, it’s almost ridiculous to ask Him to strengthen you to do your own will. And yet…

Why is it we can know 100% that this is wrong and still let it control us?

Have you ever wondered why this fight is so hard? How do you handle the tumbling of thoughts in your mind about your own life? We can see the truth, but why can’t we receive it?

I’d argue it has to do with a very poor self-view of ourselves. And that is likely rooted in hurts you’ve experienced.

We have a hole inside that we desperately need filled. And this hole is surrounded by pain. The wounds we have are far too great for us to experience contentment. 

It’s about knowing you have value just because of who you are in Him, not because of what you can do. Or what you have. Or who you know. Or who knows you.

But it grabs hold of us tightly, doesn’t it? This is real because I perceive it to be real. Since no one will fight our battles for us, we must fight for ourselves.

The ups and downs of life are inevitable. There is no escaping them. But they should never be used to dictate your worth in His eyes. Or the lack of worth in your own.

Better still, you should never allow the state of your life to rob you of the joy you have in being a part of Abba’s Kingdom. But it does, doesn’t it? 

Life sucks sometimes. Or does it? Maybe it’s us and our decisions that have created the life we live.

How are you to face reality and still find joy in your life? This can only come from God Himself. Embracing His reality.

You need the joy of Abba, He is your strength, He is your inheritance.

Can you believe this?

Can you receive this?


I have experienced this exact reality Paul is talking about in my own life. We have had seasons of very little and we have had seasons of extreme abundance. We have also had seasons in the middle. We have never had the continual up-slope of income most people have. Our process was that of feast or famine. Up and down -- always.

Looking back I have to ask myself: Was I happier when I had more? Was I distraught when I had less?

At times, perhaps. But it was my perceived reality that drove these beliefs. Throughout that process there is one thing I know for sure. I’m still standing here today. And all of the ups and downs of emotions and stress have not killed me. They also have not made me alive.

The battles I had in my mind were not real battles. They were a training ground for contentment.

Realizing my life could have been packed with fulfillment the entire time had I just gotten my mind off of what I wanted. Avoiding the game of collecting stuff that ultimately makes its way into the trash. Or waiting for that future day when my current problems have passed. Effectively, wishing my life away. And squandering every dime on my own life along the way.

How foolish can we be? Spending our lives gathering things that rot away. Or making a name for ourselves so the next generation can wipe it away with that next great idea.

Look at all of the things in your home. What will be left on the Last Day?

Look at all you’ve accomplished throughout your life. What will stand forever?

It’s easy to look back and analyze our misguided priorities to see the places we failed. But what about today looking forward? Can you see clearly the pitfalls you have set before yourself?

Do you see the troubles that are in front of you?

Think about this.

Are you content in your life right now?

It isn’t likely. 

Most of us have never really had to do without. Sure we had less stuff than we wanted, but we remained alive. And looking back you realize there was never a real threat of death. Just a threat to our quest to have more. And we lost parts of our lives as a result.

Some of us gave away years that can never be recovered. Losing life experiences with those we care about and missed opportunities to build relationships with them.

But experiences and relationships with people don’t require money. They require contentment. Not needing more in order to have more.

The question then becomes: Can you use the power Abba gives you to be content?

If you never did one more thing for the world or your selfishness, would you still see your value?

You cannot do this on your own. It takes the power of God to overcome the devastating reality we occupy. Or more honestly, it takes the power of God to overcome the devastating reality we have created.

Look closely at your life right now. What do you need to be content?

What did the High Priest need in order to be content?

Reverence and obedience.

None of the jewels, none of the gold, none of the fine clothing was his. He was not there to make a name for himself. He wasn’t stressed about how he was going to pay his bills. His work in that place had nothing to do with him and his situation in life. He was there for one thing and one thing only: Abba’s glory.

And through this contentment Abba gave him the power to do all things -- all things that brought honor to the Name of YHVH.

So how about you. As you perform your duties for Him, who is at the forefront of your mind?