In Exodus 25, we see the plans for the Tabernacle that is given to Moses.
We are just coming off of the full covenant and Israel has agreed to be the Bride.
And this all begins with the Bride’s dowry.
But it is the instruction of the husband that casts the vision.
Once He charts the course, the Bride steps up and sees that it gets done.
The instructions begin with the most intimate place and works out from there so a natural question is:
When it comes to building your own home, does the order matter?
Yes, it does!
These are the steps you take to build a home. Any home.
When a husband and wife come together, it is important that intimacy is established first. Without it, a relationship is mechanical at best.
We also need to know that no one else is allowed into this space. So we’ll want to make note of the following command:
Commandment #7: “Do not commit adultery.”
You begin with an ark.
This is the heart of the home.
It holds the covenant within it.
This is the most intimate place on earth.
For most of us, we all likely started here. The idea that “we can live in a tent as long as we’re happy” made so much sense early on but these days we understand reality a bit better, don’t we?
So what happened to make us “understand reality”?
Emotional disconnectedness?
Did you set your eyes on an idol?
Whatever it was, it has now stolen the one great thing in your life.
Once we settle into the monotony of life, why do we find it so hard to rekindle intimacy?
It is important to mention that there are never more than two people in this space. There was one high priest that went into this place and he represented all of Israel, the Bride.
This is why porn is so dangerous.
It brings others into a very holy place and there is just no room for anyone else. Someone has to leave.
Above the ark are the Cherubim.
Abba dwells between them.
Hebrews 9:5 and above it were the k’ruvim representing the Sh’khinah, casting their shadow on the lid of the Ark.
His glory (Sh’khinah) is there.
So, is Abba’s glory within your most intimate being?
Or has His glory departed from your marriage?
If He’s departed, why would that be?
Moving out of the holiest place, we now come to the holy place.
Now we encounter the Table of Bread.
This is what you need to sustain life.
Have you conflated your needs and wants?
Worse, have you taught your kids to do that?
Has it birthed a twisted perception of sustenance?
Yeshua (Jesus) said we should ask for Abba to give us our “daily” bread.
The same lesson is given with manna. We like to think and plan long term but who needs faith when you’ve already taken care of yourself?
But it turns out we aren’t taken care of, are we? No matter what hedge we put in place, we always end up with some kind of fear.
Learn the lesson of manna and “daily bread” now.
What are your needs for today?
Abba will meet those needs.
Have you ever had the power out for an extended period of time?
Good thing you had your phone or else you may have been left alone with your own thoughts.
And there is nothing that terrifies man more than to see what is actually within himself.
So, what do you actually need?
Be careful not to just answer “correctly”
Now onto the Menorah.
This brings light into the home.
How else can you see?
You do not want to be blind in your own home.
In the Book of Revelation, we see the menorah has the 7 spirits of God. It can be argued that these are described by Isaiah:
Isaiah 11:1 But a branch will emerge from the trunk of Yishai,
a shoot will grow from his roots.
2 The Spirit of YHVH will rest on him,
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and power,
the Spirit of knowledge and fearing Adonai
Has the flame gone out in your home?
Any one of these not lit will dim the entire view of His house.
Are you afraid of what you’ll see if the lights come on?
What are you actually afraid of?
Is it shame?
You know what’s there but think you’ll be condemned when it comes into the light.
Is it the perception of others?
What if people think poorly of me. Well, that’s pride.
Do you really care so much what other people think that you will let death live in your home?
Is it that you will have to change?
Perhaps complacency is holding you hostage.
Why do we fear truth?
Truth will set you free.
Sorry for the open ended questions here. But you need something to think about the next time the power is out.
It’s time for a covering.
Notice the order: linen/hair/leather(skin)
Think about hugging your family. What do they feel?
The linen from your clothing. Beneath that is the hair of your body. Beneath that, your skin.
The Tabernacle is a giant hug!
Moving on…
This covering offers protection. Protection from the vertical elements.
Do you offer protection over your home?
Protection in the form of safety, not protection from accountability.
Which brings us to an interesting point, praying protection for your children.
Should you?
If they are doing Abba’s work and living within the covenant then yes, we should be praying protection from the Adversary.
If they aren’t, then no, I don’t believe we should. We should want them to find the bottom as quickly as possible so they can finally die to themselves and enter into the Kingdom. Otherwise, we enable.
Enabling someone to live in darkness without accountability only leads to more darkness.
Now, that does not come without pain.
For all parties.
But the glory that is in the wings will be worth it.
Better to have temporary pain in this life than to have eternal pain in the life to come.
But we need a Pillar.
The skeleton is what holds us all up.
Do you have structure in your home?
The structure in your home is likely hidden behind finished walls. You do not pay attention to it everyday, but you most certainly do when there is a problem.
Without structure, the house falls.
There also must be a Veil between the holy and most holy place.
There must be a separation between husband + wife and the kids.
Too often we bring them in to cover pain in your actual relationship.
We allow a permanent distraction to keep us from entering into true intimacy.
What is the pain?
Again, we’ll wait for the power to go out.
We should also note that the veil has cherubim woven into it.
Are cherubim the sign of intimacy?
Now we have the altar - the place of sacrifice.
Coming in each and everyday requires a sacrifice.
You are to leave your flesh at the altar.
And have it burned up completely.
Do you bring things into your home that defile it?
Pay attention to even the tools you are using.
You are working on holy things so you need holy tools.
Be careful utilizing the tools of the land.
Abba has given His servants tools to heal, teach, inspire, correct, etc.
Find them and USE them.
We now have protection from the horizontal elements.
There is a single point of entry so watch that area closely.
The ways of the world camp just beyond that fence.
And they are all looking for ways in.
There is nothing worse than just opening the door.
How many problems are you facing in your marriage because you left the door open?
How much of your past is controlling your present?
Could someone please turn the power off?!
Ok, we’ve looked at the home of the husband and wife and gotten really uncomfortable with how we handle our own homes. But…
Then you have a huge problem.
And you need to get that resolved right away.
You are supposed to be the Bride!
We have entered into covenant with Abba and Yeshua is our Bridegroom.
Let’s see how this model actually works on an individual level.
When you and Abba come together, it is important that intimacy is established first. Without it, a relationship is mechanical at best.
We also need to know that no one else is allowed into this space. So we’ll want to make note of the following command:
Commandment #7: “You are to have no other gods before me.”
You begin with an ark.
This is the heart of the relationship.
It holds the covenant within it.
This is the most intimate place in the spirit.
For most of us, we all likely started here. The idea that “God will take care of me forever” made so much sense early on but these days we understand reality a bit better, don’t we?
So what happened to make us “understand reality”?
Emotional disconnectedness?
Did you set your eyes on an idol?
Whatever it was, it has now stolen the one great thing in your life.
Once we settle into the monotony of life, why do we find it so hard to rekindle intimacy?
It is important to mention that there are never more than two people in this space. There was one high priest that went into this place and he represented all of Israel, the Bride.
This is why porn is so dangerous.
It brings others into a very holy place and there is just no room for anyone else. Someone has to leave.
Above the ark are the Cherubim.
Abba dwells between them.
Hebrews 9:5 and above it were the k’ruvim representing the Sh’khinah, casting their shadow on the lid of the Ark.
His glory (Sh’khinah) is there.
So, is Abba’s glory within your most intimate being?
Or has His glory departed from your life?
If He’s departed, why would that be?
Moving out of the holiest place, we now come to the holy place.
Now we encounter the Table of Bread.
This is what you need to sustain life.
Have you conflated your needs and wants?
Worse, have you taught others to do that?
Have you helped others pray for provision?
Has it birthed a twisted perception of sustenance?
Yeshua (Jesus) said we should ask for Abba to give us our “daily” bread.
The same lesson is given with manna. We like to think and plan long term but who needs faith when you’ve already taken care of yourself?
But it turns out we aren’t taken care of, are we? No matter what hedge we put in place, we always end up with some kind of fear.
Learn the lesson of manna and “daily bread” now.
What are your needs for today?
Abba will meet those needs.
Have you ever had the power out for an extended period of time?
Good thing you had your phone or else you may have been left alone with your own thoughts.
And there is nothing that terrifies man more than to see what is actually within himself.
So, what do you actually need?
Be careful not to just answer “correctly”
Now onto the Menorah.
This brings light into yoru life.
How else can you see?
You do not want to be blind in your own spirit.
In the Book of Revelation, we see the menorah has the 7 spirits of God. It can be argued that these are described by Isaiah:
Isaiah 11:1 But a branch will emerge from the trunk of Yishai,
a shoot will grow from his roots.
2 The Spirit of YHVH will rest on him,
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and power,
the Spirit of knowledge and fearing Adonai
Has the flame gone out in your spirit?
Any one of these not lit will dim the entire view of His house.
Are you afraid of what you’ll see if the lights come on?
What are you actually afraid of?
Is it shame?
You know what’s there but think you’ll be condemned when it comes into the light.
Is it the perception of others?
What if people think poorly of me. Well, that’s pride.
Do you really care so much what other people think that you will let death live in your home?
Is it that you will have to change?
Perhaps complacency is holding you hostage.
Why do we fear truth?
Truth will set you free.
Sorry for the open ended questions here. But you need something to think about the next time the power is out.
It’s time for a covering.
Notice the order: linen/hair/leather(skin)
Think about hugging your family. What do they feel?
The linen from your clothing. Beneath that is the hair of your body. Beneath that, your skin.
The Tabernacle is a giant hug!
Moving on…
This covering offers protection. Protection from the vertical elements.
Do you offer protection over Abba’s home?
Protection in the form of safety, not protection from accountability.
Which brings us to an interesting point, praying protection for others.
Should you?
If they are doing Abba’s work and living within the covenant then yes, we should be praying protection from the Adversary.
If they aren’t, then no, I don’t believe we should. We should want them to find the bottom as quickly as possible so they can finally die to themselves and enter into the Kingdom. Otherwise, we enable.
Enabling someone to live in darkness without accountability only leads to more darkness.
Now, that does not come without pain.
For all parties.
But the glory that is in the wings will be worth it.
Better to have temporary pain in this life than to have eternal pain in the life to come.
But we need a Pillar.
The skeleton is what holds us all up.
Do you have structure in your spirit?
The structure in your spirit is likely hidden behind finished walls. You do not pay attention to it everyday, but you most certainly do when there is a problem.
Without structure, your life falls apart.
There also must be a Veil between the holy and most holy place.
There must be a separation between Abba + you and others.
Too often we bring them in to cover pain in your actual relationship.
We allow a permanent distraction to keep us from entering into true intimacy.
What is the pain?
Again, we’ll wait for the power to go out.
We should also note that the veil has cherubim woven into it.
Are cherubim the sign of intimacy?
Now we have the altar - the place of sacrifice.
Coming in each and everyday requires a sacrifice.
You are to leave your flesh at the altar.
And have it burned up completely.
Do you bring things into your life that defile it?
Pay attention to even the tools you are using.
You are working on holy things so you need holy tools.
Be careful utilizing the tools of the land.
Abba has given His servants tools to heal, teach, inspire, correct, etc.
Find them and USE them.
We now have protection from the horizontal elements.
There is a single point of entry so watch that area closely.
The ways of the world camp just beyond that fence.
And they are all looking for ways in.
There is nothing worse than just opening the door.
How many problems are you facing in your life because you left the door open?
How much of your past is controlling your present?
Could someone please turn the power off?!!!
Hebrews 3:1 Therefore, brothers whom God has set apart, who share in the call from heaven, think carefully about Yeshua, whom we acknowledge publicly as God’s emissary and as cohen gadol. 2 He was faithful to God, who appointed him; just as
“Moshe was faithful in all God’s house.”
3 But Yeshua deserves more honor than Moshe, just as the builder of the house deserves more honor than the house. 4 For every house is built by someone, but the one who built everything is God.
5 Also, Moshe was faithful in all God’s house, as a servant giving witness to things God would divulge later. 6 But the Messiah, as Son, was faithful over God’s house. And we are that house of his, provided we hold firmly to the courage and confidence inspired by what we hope for.
1 Corinthians 3:8 However, each will be rewarded according to his work. 9 For we are God’s co-workers; you are God’s field, God’s building. 10 Using the grace God gave me, I laid a foundation, like a skilled master-builder; and another man is building on it. But let each one be careful how he builds. 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Yeshua the Messiah. 12 Some will use gold, silver or precious stones in building on this foundation; while others will use wood, grass or straw. 13 But each one’s work will be shown for what it is; the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire — the fire will test the quality of each one’s work. 14 If the work someone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward; 15 if it is burned up, he will have to bear the loss: he will still escape with his life, but it will be like escaping through a fire.
16 Don’t you know that you people are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? 17 So if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you yourselves are that temple.
Is your work FOR the Kingdom that of wood, grass or straw?
Or are you building with gold, silver or precious stones?
How can you tell the difference?
Turn the power off and you’ll know.